Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas and New Year's

On Christmas I was very gracefully walking down the stairs. I decided (my choice) that I wanted to get my toe caught on my pant leg. Not sure how I managed to do that but I am pretty talented. I fell down three stairs and landed on my toe wrong. By the end of the day it was super swollen, I could barely walk. Finally a week later, I can walk normal but it still hurts to wear shoes. This crazy girl hasn't had much chance to run in the last week due to barely being able to walk. My toe still looks many shades of bruise. Besides showing off how graceful I am, I had a wonderful Christmas spent in one of my most favorite places, Montana. I have been bugging my sister to start running for a long time. She finally has caught the running bug and is now running five days a week. It was a great Christmas present to hear that! I am so proud of her! I can't wait to run our first half marathon together.

Happy New Year!! 

This year I am going to train for the 2014 Tinker Bell Half Marathon (a year away). I plan to do my first 10k at the Shamrock Shuffle which happens to fall on my birthday. Does anyone want to run it with me? It will be tons of fun dressing up in green and enjoying a green beer after the run. I also plan to work on hill work and interval training this year and have fun doing it. I think 2013 is going to be a great year!!

I need some suggestions on some good workout music. I am getting tired of my current playlist. Please suggest some new tunes for me! Thanks!!!

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