Thursday, January 10, 2013

Work it out

I have discovered something exciting! It is a machine that allows me to run inside away from the snow. Some of you may have used this magical device before but this week was my first time running on it. It is a treadmill aka a dreadmill to most of you runners.

I started running a year ago and have enjoyed running outside but with snow EVERYWHERE and the ice under the snow being super slippery I haven't ran much. I got a 21 day pass to Anytime Fitness and decided to give running inside a try. It was pretty awesome! I still prefer outside but this gives me the ability to run anytime I want. Plus it was kind of fun watching tv while running. I get bored quickly, of the same routes around my house, of my playlists, and I have gotten picky about weather and started making excuses for not running. My favorite lately is that it is too cold or that it is dark outside. I hate running in the dark! Well with the magical technology of the treadmill I can watch tv instead of listen to my boring music, I can run in a well lit area that is a comfortable temperature. Yep I will be happy running on it for the next 21 days then I will welcome the open roads again. Hopefully the snow is long gone by then!! If not I might actual have to get a gym membership.

Week one of half marathon training for Robie is going GREAT!!! I have a 3 mile run scheduled tomorrow and a 4 miler on Saturday. Only 14 more weeks to go and I am ready for them! 

Which gym do you prefer? Do you ever like to watch tv while you run? 


  1. The last time I went to the YMCA in downtown Boise, it had some of these astounding technologically-advanced machines, too, with TV and music options, in some cases even situated near a window so you could laugh at any runners who are still suffering the onslaught of whatever weather you're trying to avoid!

  2. You can do it! You will make that race your "friend" ;)
    I might just do it too… more slowly though, to be sure.

  3. You can do it! You will make that race your "friend" ;)
    I might just do it too… more slowly though, to be sure.
