Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 3 Recap and other fun stuff!

Week three went a little different than I hoped it would. I had a very busy week with my husband aging another year and with last minute prep for his big day. I set out days that I was going to run and how many miles I would do. The week started out great!! Ran 2 easy miles at the gym Tuesday then did 16 miles on the bike! Next running day was going to be Thursday but my husband had tons of work and with no one to watch the kids, I did strength training at home. The wonderful weather decided to turn on me and everything was a sheet of ice due to freeze rain. There goes my lunch time run on Friday :( also my MRRT 10k got rescheduled to February 2 as a result as well. I still got my workout's in during the week but not all the miles I intended to run. But this is a new week and I will get back on track!!!

My planks this week have been awesome!! I have been consistently over 3 minutes! I have also planked at least once a day for the last 27 days! Yep every day of 2013! If you would like more info on planks click here.

Run Like a Grl is hosting an awesome challenge that will give us all Abs By April. This is the start of week 2. The first week was daily planks and this week there are some fun exercises that we will do 3-4 times this week. I am so excited about the challenge! I WANT ABS BY APRIL! If you want to join me and some other awesome people in obtaining our abs click here!

What's the weather like where you are located? Has it messed up your workouts at all? 


  1. The weather is bad! Have almost slipped on the ice and broken my leg more times than I care to consider!

  2. Also… loving your blog! I like the images, links, humor and the fact that you love what you write about :)
