Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Back to training and new running group!

Now that race week is behind me, I can focus on getting back to my 10k training. My goal is to run 6.2 miles by Thanksgiving. Some people would just push through and run 6 miles tomorrow. Well I am not those people! I like to slowly increase my mileage and as a mother of two sometimes I can't always get out 3 times a week for a run. I am trying to set a realistic goal that I can actually achieve rather than setting myself up for failure.

I recently discovered Moms RUN This Town. It sounds awesome!!! Upon checking out this local chapter I found out some women are training for their first 5k and some just did their first marathon. I am hoping that with such a wide variety of experience that I will be able to fit in some where. The group seems very supportive and I can't wait for my first meeting (assuming I don't have to work during it).

1 comment:

  1. I think it will be a great and supportive group for you. I am seriously so proud of you! Take a minute and think about what you have accomplished this year.

    Your #1 fan,
